Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rolling the Rock Uphill

Today was a day when I had to deal with supplier problems, enough that I'm ready to scream. I actually started a post to vent, but I've though better about it. If you're gracious enough to read this, you don't need to hear me gnash my teeth and spout venom. It would seem both out of character and uncomfortably inappropriate, particularly in a blog celebrating our history and achievements of the last 25 years.

I will only say that no matter how many years pass, the problems remain the same. The good part is, many of our most unpredictable inspirations and elegant workarounds came at the door of adversity. All those platitudes about Necessity being the Mother of Invention (therefore, Necessity = Frank Zappa) and "if you have a lemon, make lemonade" ring true. I can hardly wait to see what inspiration I come up with THIS time.

One Thing About this Blog:
at least in its real-time online form, it won't be chronological. I may take the historical parts and organize them into some sort of narrative later, but what you'll see here are my memories and feelings about the history of the store, filtered through my long-term perspective. As such, there will be gaps and downright omissions; that's how our memories work. I will skew the topics to positive ones...this isn't a tell-all, show the seamy underbelly of the industry epic. I'll explain some of the issues and personalities to some extent, but really, this is the story of what we've accomplished, and the people who helped me do it. Funny anecdotes? Sure. But this is just a companion piece. For someone who is curious about the store ("Why did you call it Skyline Music?") Or interested in the origins of our signature events (for example, Hawaiian Shirt Day was a spinoff of the Garage Sale. Fascinating.) this will tell the stories, and we don't have to worry about time, I don't have to tell the story ten times in a row to various people, and you can check it out at your leisure, if you're interested, rather than stand politely while I bend your ear talking about something that may have happened before you were born..

There will be other venues for faculty, staff, customer, and supplier memories of the store, curated on facebook or compiled for the website. We'll begin collecting them as 2012 unfolds, aiming for a mid-year peak in the celebration. Stay tuned--as these channels open up, I'll also link them here.

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